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Unsere BLZ & BIC

Sparkasse Schweinfurt-Haßberge
Jägersbrunnen 1-7
97421 Schweinfurt

New smartphone? Setting up the Sparkasse apps on a new device

Setting up the App Sparkasse Business and pushTAN on a new phone or tablet · Instructions

New smartphone? Setting up the Sparkasse apps on a new device

Setting up the App Sparkasse Business and pushTAN on a new phone or tablet · Instructions

Got a new iPhone/iPad or Android device and would like to continue using our apps? This guide explains how to set up the S-pushTAN-App and App Sparkasse Business on a new phone/tablet and what you’ll need to do so.

How to | scom_auh_s_pushtan_app_einrichten

How to:

Setting up S-pushTAN app again – on a new phone/tablet

To set up the S-pushTAN app on a new device, you will need to first install it and then follow these instructions:

Note: These instructions are an example only and may slightly differ depending on your mobile end device or bank.

Setting up the App Sparkasse Business – on a new smartphone

If you are using pushTAN as an authentication procedure, download the S-pushTAN-App and set it up before setting up the App Sparkasse Business on your new smartphone/tablet.

Note: These instructions are an example only and may slightly differ depending on your mobile end device or bank.
